Custer/Shiner Directors Fund
Ray Shiner and Calvin Custer were the twin towers that built the reputation of the CNY Jazz Orchestra. They were consummate conductors, arrangers, conductors, educators and musicians of the highest caliber imaginable. The ongoing success of the CNYJO is testament to the firm artistic underpinnings that they put into place in our early years, and their legacy is the swinging, entertaining and voluminous music library that they left for us. Proceeds of this fund support CNY Jazz Music Director positions – CNY Jazz Orchestra, CNY Jazz Youth Orchestra, and Jazz Vespers Series.

Doug Johnston Fund
Mackenzie Hughes attorney Doug Johnston was the light that guided us through our first ten years as a fledgling arts organization. Our corporate founder, he served tirelessly and continuously on our Board of Directors, and he was the co-founder of our downtown jazz festival. His fund is earmarked for the creation and implementation of new and innovative CNY Jazz programs, education, and for one-time-only challenges.

James Russo Memorial Fund
This fund was established after the untimely passing of James Russo, whose passion was for the jazz bass. Since its inception, it has provided full tuition for many dozens of young bassists who would otherwise be unable to attend our annual SummerJazz Workshop.

Steve Effler Fund
CNY Jazz Board member and frequent event attendee Steve Effler was a force for all of Central New York as the founder and Director of Research for the Upstate Freshwater Institute. He was as dedicated to improving quality of life for Central New Yorkers through his work as we are. Proceeds from contributions to his fund will be directed to the Jazz Central facility and its continued improvement.